Monday, December 20

What gets me excited:

Wearing cute maternity clothes like these:
{First off, how hot is this pregnant mama?}
(not sure that I could pull the floral pants off. Kind of looks like she's wearing a diaper.
I think they're super cute though.)
I may have already purchased these cute blue shorts & these overalls....

*I am hoping not to get super fat and actually attempt to look half way attractive during my next pregnancy.


  1. lol..i'm sure you left everyone in question on cruel chels....let us know!?!


  2. i KNOW you will look so good preg. Want me to come move in with you when your second baby is born and take care of your baby number one aka conrad? cause i'll do it.

  3. Omg, Cara, please do! How fun would that be?! <3

  4. love that you are so excited about pregnancy. these clothes are presh as is the model.

  5. When I first saw this I thought it was a cute way of announcing that you were pregnant!! Guess not, but either way I am sure you are an adorable prego lady :)


  7. i want that swimsuit and i am not preggo - think i could wear it anyway?

    thanks for the comment love - my friend took those christmas photos for us.

    i opened a giveaway on my blog today that i think you will like!

  8. would look fabulous as always!! I so bad wish I could have just one more healthy baby !! im so old ugh !!! dont grow old.

  9. That denim jumper is pretty funny b/c 10 years ago, when I lived in China, the ONLY maternity clothes available for Chinese women were denim jumpers! They had teddy bears stitched to the front and they were hideous--truly hideous. Every very pregnant Chinese woman that I ever saw that whole year was wearing one of those jumpers, honestly. I don't think I could wear the denim jumper b/c I would be laughing the whole time about those Chinese jumpers! (Though this one is cute!!)

  10. FYI...That "preggo" mama model may or may not be really pregnant. When I was modeling, I was 5'9" and 125 pounds (AKA: WAY too skinny) and I did maternity clothes! They have very good fake baby bumps. When I got pregnant with my first, I realized how MEAN that is! They could at least use REAL pregnant women for pete's sake! Anyway...just a heads up for any pregnant women out there that look at the "pregnant" models and feel bad about their bodies!

  11. Her legs are tooo skinny to be pregnant!

    Thanks for this insight Jess. I SO appreciate it. We're too hard on ourselves and our bodies pregnant or not!


  12. Update...looking at these pictures closely...I am pretty sure she is NOT actually preggo.
