Friday, October 15

I Feel Like A 13 Year Old Again:

(I tried to pull my lips back to give you the full effect....)
Hey-girl-hey! Wink! Wink!
I'm fixing my grill for my birthday gift this year. Happy Birthday to me (in a week). I finally did it. In 18 months they will be off! In the last year I had made 2 separate appointments to get them done and canceled both of them because braces aren't a necessity and If I got them, I would be selfish for spending the money on myself for something so unnecessary. People have always said to me, "Your teeth give you character! Don't get braces!" I really didn't want them to "give me character" though. I've never liked my smile and Dustin always wants me to really smile instead of doing my fake little grin smile where I don't show my teeth because I don't like them.... Now I won't have a reason not to really smile.
AHHHHH! Seriously-scary....
No matter how you slice it or dice it, they're just not that attractive, but I'm going to rock my new metal anyway. Dustin's such a perv though. He was totally joking and being sarcastic, but the other night when we finally made the decision together for me to get the braces, he's all, "You can get your braces, that's fine, but your metal better not mess up my gear..." Perv. That's the biggest of his concerns. Only a man. I sure got a good laugh though. He cracks me up. I like that he let me make this choice for myself and supported me. I like that he said that straighter teeth aren't going to make a bit of difference for him. It's not going to make me any more beautiful in his eyes, but if it helps give me more confidence, I should do it.
{I feel pretty with my pink bands on and my mouth full of metal.}


  1. They look great! haha pink rubber bands! cute!

  2. Thank you for posting these pictures! I love a person who can have fun...I take ridiculous pictures allllll the time. And I had braces in high school. I am SO glad I did. My smile changed permanently for the best. I used to be a half closed mouth smile person until I got braces. I can't wait to see all of those confident smiles from you!

  3. awesome. i need to get braces again because i totally messed my teeth up bad after never wearing my retainer. super major regret! good on you!!

  4. Oh my gosh how cute are you? I'm totally giggling over these pics!

    P.S. I'm having a blog giveaway right now! Feel free to stop by and enter!

  5. I had braces two years ago when I was 25! They came off juuust in time for my wedding.

    They weren't bad at all, except when the wires would dig into your cheeks! So painful.

  6. I had braces for two years, and they really did make me feel more confident. You look adorable with them though...unlike me who looked awkward and nerdy. :)

  7. OH MY GOSH !!!! You look GREAT in braces! And I can't believe what a perfect response Dustin gave (the part about 'do it for you, but I'll love you the same'). You are one very adorable (and beautiful) lady.

  8. Ha how fun! I love them! :)
    I remember braces...I got them off at the end of 8th grade though!
    Just remember to wear your rubber bands! You could get them off quicker!

  9. Because it's you, and you are so stinking cute, you look even cuter with them on. Really.

  10. I love it!!
    XOXO Kacie

  11. I'm desperately trying to comment (never done this before!) Hope this goes through! You look great:) glad you did it!

  12. Thanks Kacie & Robyn. I'm still trying to get used to them. They feel so weird. Thanks for the encouragement. I feel like I just want to get this crap out of my mouth, but it's there for good! (and the pictures don't do my teeth a justice. They're actually more crooked than they appear!)... Eating food has been my biggest challenge. My mouth doesn't hurt, it's just hard to bite down on food. AND, it's so hard to floss....

    It will be worth it. I keep telling myself that. AND so many of my friends had to deal with the awkward braces, So I have to suck it up and deal with it too. Thanks though guys. Your sweet comments mean a lot!

  13. Too bad you totally pull of braces likes a champ! You look awesome!

  14. ahh! i have braces too. they really aren't that bad. I have about 18 more months too. My pregnancy really threw me off because for some odd reason the ortho in my mouth while I was pregnant really made me gag! I personally think you look very cute :)

  15. They totally look cool on you. And I understand what this is about. When I was in Primary School I feel and one of my front teeth was chipped of. I hated it so much (and dentists told me for years this could not be done), that I almost never fully smiled on photos.
    A lovely dentist repaired this about 3 years ago and I love her so much for it. My best friends did not even realise I had it repaired (I let them guess what had changed), but it meant so much for me.

  16. Yes. You can just about fake everything else about your appearance, wear a padded bra if you want to fill out a shirt better, wear a girdle if you want to suck your tummy in more.... You can't fake a smile. If you don't like it, you can't really hide it. Plus, you have this smile for the rest of your life, so you might as well like it. A friend of mine got vinears when she was in her 50's and wished she had done it years ago. she said it was worth EVERY penny.

    Thanks for the braces love!

  17. I've not long had my braces off, makes such a difference!

  18. funny pictures :)

    It will be great when you get them off :)

    Love what the hub siad to you, haha

  19. you look SO cute! if anyone can rock braces, it's you. you can pull off ANYTHING!

  20. you're the hottest girl i've ever seen with braces, no joke. good for you for going through with it! i've been debating for a few years about it, but with all the financial crap we've gone through lately (medical bills, fertility concerns, etc) it's just not feasible. cheers to a good smile, and hopefully i'll join you someday :]

    ps isnt it annoying how people say it gives you character? i've also got "well you have such a cute smile!" ughhh haha

  21. haha i had braces when i was 19/20, i hated them but it was worth it! In my experience, the retainers were more annoying than the actual braces!!!
