Friday, May 7

weekly Surf:

(This would be a really cute wedding gift mated in a big red frame)

Zipper front floral swim suit
{Loving it!}

I've needed an attitude adjustment recently

Next nursery will be yellow & white

Next kitchen will have black and white floors

Thank you Nicky for my "mothers day" photo session.
I will treasure these photos.

I hope you all have a wonderful Mom's day!
Put your feet up, neglect the children, ring a bell and be served all Sunday ladies.
I hope you don't leave the couch or bath tub all weekend, enjoy some rest,
and feel appreciated by your spouses and kiddos!

{Love you Mom!}


  1. Chels;
    I too treasure these photos I get to see of you and Conrad here. I am so impressed by the awesome mother that you've become more and more every day!! With each new day you handle the stresses, teething and tummy-aches with such love and joy and patience with Lil' Conrad. I am SOoooo very proud you are my daughter. I cannot begin to tell you HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU Sweetie. p.s. And am so lookin' forward to pedi's and laughs and 'maybe' some 'I Love Sushi' with you tomorrow !!!Yippee
    Love You Always, Mom

  2. Nice pictures Chels, you look great. Happy mothers day. Oh, and Conrad told me to tell you thanks for cleaning up his barf the last few days. He said he really loves you.

  3. you make my day with these pictures and reading your comments.
    Happy Mother day
    Enjoy your sushi with mom, eat some for me

  4. i just love these pictures. they are so beautiful, as are you doll.<3

  5. i made the jewelry hanger and love it. Aiden helped me paint it and the BF drilled the hole and put the knobs on! I am so excited to hang it up and start using it! Thanks for the idea.
