Sunday, October 18

Celebratory Dinner

We celebrated Dustin's awesome interview he had {last friday} with take out sushi & sake! After the interview, he was asked to come back next friday to have lunch, meet all of the guys and tour the place. Pretty exciting stuff going on. We're super excited to see what God has in store for us.

Way to go honey.


  1. yay! i was just going to write you and ask if you had heard anything on his interviews! i know waiting is the HARDEST part, but that is so awesome that they already asked him to come back! big yay from us, and lots of prayers for you guys from AZ. everything will work out just the way it should. xoxo.

  2. I'll be sending your goodies in the mail!

    Thanks for the love!
    Miss you!!!

  3. YAY!!!! :0) that is great!!

    I love sushi! what a great celebratory meal :)

  4. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEs! That's SO awesome! I can't wait to hear more about how it went, and how it will go this coming Friday! Woo!
