Wednesday, June 29

I'm Kind Of In Love

With my girlfriends.

This weekend, I had such a great time celebrating this baby of mine with some friends & family and although it was pretty overwhelming, I felt so loved! My friend Emilee threw the shower & made sure to include all of my pregnancy cravings. She made 4 different types of chicken wings, had margarita's & wine for the non-pregnant ladies to enjoy, and served cupcakes and chocolate eclairs. It was so delicious and perfect. The only thing I wish I had done was taken more photos. I only got to snap a few. And I wish I would have had more time to sit and chat with everyone for as long as I wanted to!

It was just so wonderful to have all of my girlfriends in one room together, who are all just as excited about this baby as I am. Some of my favorite things about the shower: my mother in law gave me a jar of jalapenos & buffalo sauce! My good friend Janelle gave me a thing of garlic as an inside joke since my midwife has me eating garlic everyday. I broke down in tears after reading the sweet card from my friend Laura (who also had a VBAC) and had such encouraging words for me. I got some really adorable baby outfits from my Mom. Receiving such sweet and thoughtful gifts and looking around the room realizing the unique relationships I have with all of the ladies in my life who I'm so grateful to know, made me feel so special!

April & I with our bellies. She is due right around the same time as I am.
My girl Amy looking beautiful & this adorable banner that was made for the shower.
Monday night I had a girls dinner with Sarah & Sarah. I made {THIS} for dinner. 
I'm eager to get in as much girl time as possible before the baby comes.
Last night, one of my dearest friends in the world, Dotty, took me on a girls date. We got pedicures and had the most delicious Thai food at a little hole in the wall restaurant. We ordered dishes that we've never tried. Being adventurous totally paid off. It was incredible. Her "girls date" was one of my favorite baby shower gifts! Thanks Dotty.
Me, sitting back, taking a break to make more room for more food. 
I just seriously have to thank my girlfriends for all of the love you've showed me recently. I can't thank you enough for coming to my shower-showering me with love and sweet gifts for the baby. I felt so loved. Thank you girls again!   


  1. Such a gift to have awesome friends. You look so cute!

  2. Aww - Sounds like you're having a fabulous times. You look wonderful!

  3. you are looking gorgeous and glowing. lucky you to have such lovely friends--and lucky them to have you!

  4. Anonymous29 June, 2011

    This posts me envious. I've had a major struggle with not having any close friends anymore. All of my friends from high school and college are so at a different stage in life than I am. I hope to form some friendships like this some day. It is so nice to have good friends!

  5. Ah, I love you Chelsea. I am so thankful we are friends.

  6. you are just too pretty for words. if i look anything like you when i'm 30+wks, i will smile, smile, smile :)

  7. Haley, I know exactly what you feel like. When I had Conrad, I felt like I was the only one in my circle of friends who had a baby, and even when I did make friends who had kids, our kids were always on different schedules so I never saw them anyway. Being a mom is so isolating sometimes. Hang in there. I got so desperate for freinds, I'd talk to any stranger on the play ground who would talk back! ;)

    Thanks ladies!

  8. what beautiful pictures!! i love the baby shower theme too!! just wonderful!

  9. Girlfriends really make the world go round. Preach it sister!

    And I love that you're rocking the black frame hipster glasses! You look awesome.

  10. Anonymous29 June, 2011

    Chelsea you are so beautiful!! Love love love you!

  11. love girlfriend time :) and i love how your little man looks like he loves it too hehe

  12. what a blessing to have such dear friends! :)
    and you look beautiful as always!

  13. Awwww, I'm jealous! I don't have many close girl friends and none that live really close. :(

  14. love this. and you look wonderful!

  15. You are so adorable... and "what's it gunna bee?" That's downright melting-your-heart cute. Can't wait to know the answer :)

  16. Dude do you know happy I am that I can finally comment on your blog. Blogger wouldn't let me doo it for the longest time!GRRRR You seriously look soo cute and I can't wait for you to have that little bebe. :)

  17. aw! shawntae, you're so sweet! Thanks girl!~

  18. Aw good friends are the best things ever. You're so gorgeous. I've been away and missed this belly of yours!! So precious!
