Thursday, May 19

Weekly Surf:

In Mama's arms....these images are so sweet!
I'm not the only "crazy" woman choosing it...
Yup, I'm baby obsessed and I LOVE this room!
How to make your own crib sheets
Inspiration for my next DIY project for Conrad's room
Love this super girlie-vintage fabric project to decorate a nursery
Is this fabric too girlie?? I'm considering it for baby #2's crib bedding along with this fabric
Super cute for baby (whether it's a boy or girl)
My favorite song at the moment
Thoughts on a better way to do things after birth
Obsessed with these gorgeous grey & white stripes
I "love" this headboard

Things that make me terribly happy: 
My toddler crosses his eyes cross when he drinks his juice
Little rubber critters that I can whip out of my purse when little boys
get impatient while waiting for their pancakes
My son's long eye lashes, that first hot sip of decaf coffee & pink lipstick! 
My husbands handsome smile & how my little man dips his pancakes with such precision 
 Leaving my wet laundry to be hung later, after I'm done reading stories with him in his choo-choo tent!
{Have a happy weekend!}


  1. I don't think that the fabric is too girlie, its awesome and would look amazing with grey accents for boy or girl :) I was worried about stuff being to girlie and sure enough she came out a girl, but I love that her room is not girlie!
    & the pants are too cute hehe love the tent picture

  2. We have orange and pinks and a few grays and blues in the girls's room :] I love it. I also have random sides of furniture painted with chalk paint so lily can just go to town all over the house, but I had never thought to do it on a coffee table [probably bc we don't have one, lol!]We're doing that headboard when we get out of this stupid apartment. watch. And yay, yay, YAY for more mamas becoming educated and knowing their birthing options!
    I can't wait for C to meet his baby :]

  3. Awwwwww what a cutie pie he is :)
    these pictures are just so adorable!

  4. i agree with the things you post about natural birth practices. i appreciate the links and feel that you putting them out there is good for women everywhere. so thank you.

    i really am excited to have found other like-minded moms to support and feel supported by through this process. kudos to you. :)

  5. Awwwww, all those things you love are sooo sweet and something only a loving wife/mother would notice. I love your surfs...

  6. Anonymous20 May, 2011

    The little things for sure make the difference! So sweet! I love that you take the time to appreciate them... definitely something I could strive for more often! Love you Chels!

  7. I love Conrad's train tent! So adorable.

  8. It seems no matter where I go on the internet you are there, loving the same things I do and linking to the same things I'm currently obsessing over. Also, awhile ago I stumbled upon your carnival family photos (SO amazing!) and bookmarked them for future copying :) Then I realized you live in Vegas and are friends with alot of my friends. This sounds a little stalky (is that a word) but I feel like i know you! The end.

  9. Happy, happy weekend dear Chelsea! I'm LOVING Conrad's choochoo tent! I made a blanket fort for Oliver and I a few days ago.. BTW, is your crib from Ikea? We may have the same one :)

    Have a very blessed wknd.

  10. Sisilia, Conrad's crib is pottery barn but i got it on craigs list for 150$ before he was born. I love it. We haven't converted it to a toddler bed yet but it's been a good investment thus far! ;)

    Sara, copy away! ;) Thank you for the complement. I too love the carnival photos! Who do you know that I know?! ;)

  11. Chelsea, Matt and Erin have been our friends for about 11 years...before they were Matt and Erin. haha. Their latest family pics are too cute. And I've known little Natalie Rose since she was in middle school and Sarah Newcomb and I are friends from college. That's it as far as I can tell but I've from Las Vegas too, which is a much smaller town than it seems so probably more. :)

  12. those photos "in mama's arms" are so tender and beautiful!! loved them :)

    and hello beautiful horizontal stripes :)

    oh, and about the DIY project for Conrad's room...i went to the link and for some reason at first thought it was the print on the wall: "You be perfection on 2 sexy legs." i smiled and thought BRILLIANT. then i realized it was the darling chalkboard table. again, BRILLIANT ;)

    and all of those photos you shared made me terribly happy too!! :) Happy Weekend Chelsea!

  13. Your son does have absolutely GORGEOUS eye lashes.

    I always get a little annoyed at boys with perfectly lovely eye lashes when mine are so not!

  14. you are such a beautiful mamma!!

    ~Andrea @
